Monday, September 20, 2004

Come on people, lets turn up the Wattage to what I know we have!

Ok, we are communicating back and forth in the comments of the blogs, having wonderful conversations and actually communicating again. Yeah us! :)
I have tried to explain the "Three- edge Sword" which is being used by Shark on the blogs, so everyone realizes that they are only seeing their side of thoughts, feelings, interpretations. This is all true, but now it is being argued that it is even a possiblity. As I have written, for us as HUMAN BEINGS, it is impossible to truly grasp the Sword and use it for our own self-enlightenment. We as a species are not yet blessed with the mental capacity or faculties to truly understand others as of yet. I say yet because I am hopeful that more of us are able to understand and learn to work around our shortcomings to understand our fellow MAN(WOMAN.) But I can see we have a long way to go because we are still not able to accept this basest of principles. WE CANNOT SEE THE TRUTH EVER! WE CANNOT SEE THE OTHER SIDE EVER!
We can strive to understand and see the other side, and only then will we truly be enlightened to as close to the Truth that we can attain. That is not to say that questioning this concept is wrong, that is how we gain understanding, which if you ever read my comments on The Voice's blog(click his name on the Council Chambers or any other to view all blogs they are a part of) that is the most important(or at least one of) endeavor in my life right now. To understand. It is a hard and tedious never ending road that I happily chose to embark upon. I only gripe about this because there seems to be nobody trying to understand WITH me. I was never told that this was a lonely road, and thought if I tried to let my friends know that it existed that they would join me on my journey. Okay, my anger is spent now. That is why I posted it here than on the Council Chambers, I did not and do not want anyone to view this as a personal attack, just my frustration of watching so many brains try to wrap around the same concept that they mention in different words but do not see the connection or similarities. PEACE AND LOVE TO ALL, AND TO ALL A HELL OVA NIGHT! :)

Saturday, September 11, 2004

From the Cooler

I am back from the cooler, thank you every one that has helped me in this small crisis. Shark, Phoenix, Angle69, the Parents(S.K., B.K., S.R.,) K, The Voice, and too all my friends for their support. I will be of course propmtly remunerating all of you who contributed to my springing and I am once again glad to have a great family.

Just a little venting, please mind the Steam.

I must agree and disagree with Shark here. I know, a first, though not a total disagreement, maybe more questioning. Are we protecting the people providing aide over there or are we the ones providing aide? Other than that, I also would gladly go help where I can, and definitly strike at the heart of all our terrorist problems so that my friends/family are safe here at home. On September 11, 2001, my cousin Ms. Robinson of the USN was stationed in the south pentra of the Pentagon, she has since been moved away from there along with an ex and family friend Patrice(now higher ranked than a major and last name deleted to protect her.) I didn't personally loose anyone that day, but was scared as shit while watching on the news and recognizing the southern pentra that was the place people I cared for worked. So I fully back the portion of his campaign to stamp out the "Father" of these terrorist acts. Sadaam did bankroll a lot of these actions, and helps them still with the connections he gave them. I also must point out to GW that while he is going after the current antagonist, he should arrest his father, former Pres. Bush, because that bastard was CIA director and helped train some of the groups in terrorist and counter-terrorist protocol. That shit bit us back hard,and Russia was not ever a big of a threat as what we started to train these groups to be now. We created this beast, trained it and made it rabid, now it has bitten the hand that fed it. I say kill all the bastards and let whatever GOD or GODS they believe in sort that shit out.

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Love, Where the Hell Does it Hide

I feel like maybe I am to jaded now. I walk around with a twice broken heart like the world has ended, not being able to love anyone romantically or just afraid to. I expect the women I deal with to understand and not pressure me about (pardon my french) relationships. I just can't do it. The last one I was in, we kept it simple because of my shortcomings, I was her baby and she was mine. No quarter asked and no quarter given. I will never say that is right, but hell that makes my life easier and keeps me Drama free. That has been what I have strived for since, what June 2000.
Now I am faced with the delima of a worthy woman wanting to be with me and me not yet sure if I can, if I am able may be better words. Don't mistake me, I care for her a great deal which is why I don't want her to become take with me. I am no good to her in the capacity that she would want me so thus I should find her a better man.
Like I would stand by for that crap, but I am trying to remove head from butt, not as easy as it sounds when you get to be my age in experience, maybe I should ask the elders for advice on this one. That requires calling them in person since they may not read this blog thing.

Monday, September 06, 2004

Just My Thoughts

This is just my thoughts... just my thoughts. And right or Wrong, This is just what I am feeling at the time. If you feel me, vibe with, walk with me and vibe with me.

Now gather round hustlers, that is if you are still livin', and get down with this old Q rhythm. In these times, well at least to me, there are a lot of County Drivers out there trying to drive like The King. They are changing lanes while turning on there turn signal. Y'all know the ones I am talking about. They pull out in front of you, when you have a right of way and traveling at least five over the limit. Mind you that is when you discover if you have good brakes or need to get them puppies fixed(along with your front end) or upgrade to better brakes.

Well check this out, this is what you do, get a wide bodied lense cause this is a very big chew. I was driving along after a long day at work on Sunday. Not even able to distract myself with cute women. And for those of you who know me, you know that it is easy to distract me with women. After work I decide to go for a drive. I go cruising, definitely not obeying the speed limit, letting loose and enjoying the road. Tranquil like, finding Happiness, and hoping that it will one day lead to Wisdom.